35 Found Photos of a Wedding in Southampton in the 1960s

The early ’60s wedding gown retained the swing dress volume of the ’50s, but the seams began to streamline and the hems began to rise.

Dior’s New Look silhouette was still popular in the early 1960s, but elements of a new decade were emerging. Brides paired their princess wedding dresses with bouffants and veiled pillbox hats.
The long dress trend was equally popular as hemlines grew shorter and shorter on “modern wedding dresses.” Trains diminished in size, vanishing to nothing as the minidress hit the scene.
These wonderful vintage photos were found by vintage ladies that show a wedding in Southampton area in the 1960s.
All the wedding guests


Beautiful bridesmaid with page boy and junior bridesmaid


Beautiful bridesmaid


Beautiful smiling bridesmaid


Bride and groom leaving the church


Bride and groom walking down the aisle


Bride and groom with proud parents


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Bride and proud father


Bride arriving at the church


Bride arriving at the church


Bride, groom and guests


Bridesmaid doing her job


Bridesmaids and page boy arriving


Bridesmaids and page boy arriving


Confetti time


Cutting the wedding cake


Family group


Groom and best man


Groom and best man


Happy bride and groom


Happy bride and groom


Helpful friend


Parents of the bride and groom




Proud parents with bride, groom and bridesmaids


Radiant bride


Stop talking and look at the photographer


Waking back as man and wife


Wedding group


Wedding guests


Wedding guests


Wedding portrait


Wedding reception